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Hell Spawn » Interviews » DEVERIA

Nu dat onze vrienden van Metal To Infinity ermee ophouden zou het zonde zijn om bepaalde artikelen verloren te laten gaan, we zijn met mainman Stefan overeen gekomen om bepaalde artikels hier aan te bieden, beter zo dan dat die voor altijd verloren gaan! Deveria is de eerste uit het rij-tje!

Written by Stefan



Two years after its founding, Deveria suffered from internal disagreements that led to a cessation of their musical activities. Yet there was someone who had the willpower not to just give up. His name is Chuck 'Sirr Charles' Woodard, (founder and singer of the band). With the help of new musicians, he has brought his band back to life and they have recently released their full length debut album, "Suicide Forest". Chuck was willing to speak to us about the ups and downs of the band.

With the release of Deveria's recent album "Suicide Forest" I suppose you are a very pleased man at the moment. Where are you guys located and in what way did Deveria come about?

We are located in USA Upstate New York. DEVERIA came together from long time musician in our  local area that have know each other over the years from previous bands.


At what age did it become clear to you to become a singer in a Metal band - who did you look up to, who were your sources of inspiration?

Well I have been singing for most of my life.  I have been singing since I was  about  5 years old . Getting involved in plays and talent shows. As I got older, I was introduced to metal. I Started playing guitar at the age of 12 and singing in my first metal band at the age of 18. I guess it all became clear to me that I wanted  to become a professional vocalist is when I heard Geoff Tate from Queensryche land that beginning scream in the song Queen of the ryche. My sources of inspiration would be Geoff Tate. Ronnie james Dio. Ray Alder, Todd LaTorre, John Patrick Mcdonald (Midnight).


What feeling did you get to experience when you first got to join a band? Where have you played like in the past?

I always wanted to be in a band. It is such a rush and the excitement to  finally be playing on stage in front of  people. I started at talent shows then move up to local bars, then to opening for National Acts.


Every musician sooner or later also comes face to face with a cheering audience, people who come to give their favorite band a boost.... When you made your debut on stage, what went through your mind?

I was super nervous and was wondering if this was really happening. Was I dreaming? I didn't want to fuck up. After the show, I said to myself that this was the "IT" moment. This is what I was working so hard for. It was like a drug. I wanted more.


Years went by and I can imagine that at some point you want to start your own band. A dream that became reality I suppose, right? With what thoughts did you begin the Deveria story - what were the preconceived ambitions?

 I always dreamed of having my own band and writing and performing my own songs from the age of 12. I wanted put out something melodic and heavy with singing and growls with a story line of real life  issues people struggle with daily. The covid pandemic really made things intense for what we were writing about. It help put our story of our new album  "Suicide Forest" in to place.


The search for the right musicians, how did it go? What requirements did they have to meet?

The requirement search for musicians for DEVERIA was simple. You needed to have a great attitude and no ego. Have fun, be able to play, write and have  chemistry with the other guys in the band. We need to be family, like brothers.


Did the name Deveria come before or after you recruited your band members? For what reason did you choose this way moniker?

I came up with the band name  DEVERIA, after the departure of our  drummer who took the original band name with him. At that time it was called Nocturum.


As former/leader of the band, you were in a way responsible for the final sound of Deveria. Were you satisfied after a first set of rehearsals?

The guys that are currently in the band are all professionals. We are all equally responsible for the sound of DEVERIA.  DEVERIA would not be what it is today without them.


At some point, an EP was released with six songs on it. Can you provide some more details about the musical nature of the songs?

The EP was something we just decided to do at that time. We had 6 songs written and wanted to get them recorded. We didn't put much thought into it at the time. It was with the original guys who did the EP that where in Nocturum who did the recording and then we change the name to DEVERIA and release it after the departure of our drummer.


Shortly thereafter a number of live performances followed, how were the reactions of the attendees? Did you think Deveria had earned its stripes in the live field?

The response from the club owners, promoters, bands we played with and the people that are now fans all greeted us with excitement and respect. The overwhelming response we got from everyone has made us feel that we have earned our stripes right from the start.


You've shared the stage with numerous great bands, name the most interest ones brother.

Every band DEVERIA had the pleasure to have shared the stage with, National and local bands where all unique in their own way, making ever show interesting. Great stories and new friendships. There are so many great bands we shared the stage with but the most interesting ones I would say would be Flotsam and Jetsam, David Ellefson (Megadeth) Battle Beast, Dead by Wednesday, Vicious Rumors.


Barely two years after founding, the curtain fell on Deveria, may I ask what went wrong?

Life happened band members had personal issues to deal with at that time. I kept busy over the next 8 years  Recording with several bands. Releasing an album with a band called Kid Bludo. A cd release from my band Kyrie Ellison and a recording project that is still in the works for an album release that I started a side project called Army of Shadows.


Proverbially it is said that the persistent usually wins, in your case this is completely true because after recruiting new members, Deveria started again. Determination and perseverance is to your credit Chuck... is this the way you live your life in general ?

It is the #1 thing for my life. Determination and perseverance. I have always been that way. Great things to come. Shows new material. Hopefully bigger adventures for the band. Hoping to be a part of future Festivals, including Wacken.


 What does the latest line-up look like - have they played in other bands before?

 The latest line up of DEVERIA is: *John Suski (Drums) - *Marvin Veeder (Bass) - *Chris Bivona (Guitar). They all have come from other bands over the years. With each one of them bringing at least 30 years of experience to Deveria which is a great contributor to the professionalism and writing skills of the band.


"Suicide Forest" was recently released, in what way would you like to announce this album?

This album is a real life story that people can relate to about situations and problems we all face with daily. We are currently announcing the album through distributors, radio play, magazines and our websites.


The album exposes the dark side of life on several occasions. Can you explain a little more?

The album is based off of real life situations and we are trying to bring  awareness to the forefront of the darker side of situations people deal with that most don't want to talk about. Issues such as suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, ptsd. Also They're dark things people have done in their lives as well, that are eating away at them that they may be  dealing with and don't know where go to get help.


Is the writing of the songs a joint effort or is there one particular person responsible for this.

The writing process of DEVERIA is a joint effort. We all write music and lyrics and we are all multi - instrumental musicians,  Even though we all have our specific place in the band.


Can you guide us textually through a few songs?

Each song was written with a certain personal experience to it. Each person who hears our song will each relate to that song in a different way. So I don't like to put what I was feeling about the song when I was writing it. It will take away from what other want to feel and relate to. But a few songs like Suicide Forest is about Suicide. Someone is hurting inside and is crying out for help and thinks there is no way out. Demons inside me is about the Demons you are fighting with in yourself. Alcohol and drug abuse. Sexual abuse, the feel of not belonging to society because of gender identity. The feeling of not being able to escape from your inner Demons and be  to free from it all.


Originally released through Animates Insanity Records but in Europe "Suicide Forest" is also available through Holland based No Dust Records which is very interesting for all of us, Europeans who can bypass expensive customs fees in this way. I was wondering how did you get in touch with Henk from NDR?

We work directly with Joe Paciolla from Animated Insanity Records who works with other distributors including No Dust Records, Metal Assault Records to gets our album out to the world and to help everyone who is interested in our music,  get it at a reasonable price.


After the nasty world crisis, normal life is starting to fall back into its proper shape little by little. Promoting a new album is largely done by organizing an album release gig. Is this already possible in the US with the current Corona pandemic?

It is possible to organize an album release gig, but the number of people able to attend a show is less than 50%. So can it happen? Yes it can. But we are waiting for the  right moment where we can invite all our fans to join us for that special show.


How has the global press and media already reacted to Deveria's latest album?

We are getting overwhelming responses and great reviews on the album. Along with great interview as well. Nothing but positive feedback so far.


Besides playing Metal music, do you have any other vocations that control your life?

I do, I  have a full time job, that takes up a lot of time in my life along with having a  wonderful and supportive family.


If making future plans is something that keeps you busy, what can we expect next?

Shows, Reviews, interviews of our new album "Suicide Forest" promoting and writing of our second album that is in the works. No title yet. Recording should start taking place in the beginning of 2022. Thanks you for the interview and the overwhelming support you have given us!





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