Hell Spawn



Hell Spawn » Interviews » SIX FOOT SIX

Een goed jaar terug kwam deze band/ project vanuit het niks met een prima debuut! Nu is er een tweede langspeler (eind 2020 verschenen) die zijn voorganger met verve overtreft! We babbelden eventjes bij met zanger/ gitarist Kristoffer Göbel.

Written by Nico


So since our last conversation, SFS had transformed into a real band, so are the musicians on the new album the same as on the debut cd? If I am not mistaken you were 5 on the first one and now a 4piece?

- Yes, we are a real band these days. The first version was my full cover Rock Circus band with an additional Borg on guitar.  Now Anders has left 6F6 and we are a 4-piece band.


Well on the first album there already was a 'Virus' ?? en now "End off all" are you a visionary? 

- Well.. I can't take cred for all that's happening but I have to say that it's bloody scary with the timing. At first we had a different title and artwork for the album but as the Covid-19 situation progressed I felt that the name "End of All" was a better fit. And the plague doctor could not be more accurate! Stan W Decker did a great job on that one. 


For me in comparishment with the first cd, it's feels more as a solid and compact album and also strongers songs. Was it this time more off a band thing?

-No...and yes!! On the first one there were bits and bobs laying around that I worked on that ended up on that album. On "End of All" all the songs are written exclusively for the album. The songs are written by me in collaboration with Borg and also Stefan Weinerhall from Falconer. The band thing really took a major step forward while recording. Everyone is playing on this album. (Even though Markus and I share the bass). And what I love the most is that everyone is singing. The choirs on this one is second to none. DAMN, the guys did a great job. Also some of the our wife's are recorded on this album. My wife Magdalena and Christoffer's Martina are singing while Henrik's wife Sepideh is playing the violin on "Finale Vittoria". All in all I have to say I'm massively satisfied with the album, both the songs and the production. Borg is a bloody wiz when it comes down to recording and mixing. 


I also stick with my comment from before, there isn't really a band around nowadays I could compare with SFS. Mainly because of your warm unique voice!

-Thank you for those kind words! I write music from my heart and I try not to stay bound to a specific genre. Perhaps that makes it a bit unique? It's really not for me to say ;)


What are for you the main differences between both albums?

-This one took time to make and I think that shows. By this I mean that the first one was written and recorded and mixed in seven weeks. This one was a team effort that stretched for months. "End of All" also have a much heavier sound that I think is more suitable for the music. And I have to say that I'm very proud for every single track on it. We have done an amazing job and I am convinced it shines through. 


There was a label switch to Scarlett, which is an upgrade!

-Well.. The split from a Pride & Joy was a friendly one and we are still good friends. They thought the new album was a bit too heavy for them and we were kind of fishing bigger ponds. We also did not think the same when it came down to design and images. Can't say one or the other was right or wrong. We just saw things different and decided to split. We work together with Jake E from Cyhra and he started to search for a new deal. Quite soon we found a good deal with Scarlet Records and the rest is history. I live part time in Italy (under normal circumstances) and have to say that an Italian label suits me very well. We often talk more about food and wine than music, ha ha!! 


What's your favorite topic to write about?

-Now that's a very good question! Can't say I have an answer. It can be anything from historic events to books and films. Sometimes I've written a song and then I just sit there waiting for an idea to take form to become a lyric. And it can be anything. But looking through the catalog I must say that historical themes are most common. 


You got some help from Falconer (RIP) mainman Stefan on some songs, which songs and how did that come to happen?

-It started with Stefan reaching out to me while writing the last Falconer album. Asking me if he was on the right track and so forth. I even co-wrote a song that unfortunately never ended up in that version on their album. But while starting to work together again we just found it really enjoyable. So it took off from there. He has co-written the songs "End of All" and "Break the Wheel". 


The live scene is as good as dead for  the moment, but when everything returns to normal, I guess and hope touring is an option?

-It most certainly is. But I guess the market will overflow with hungry bands when we're given the green light again. But keep your fingers crossed. We will be out there one way or another. 


How do you guys fill your days in these times? How is the situation in Sweden?

-As you probably know Sweden is taking its own path through these times of turmoil.. Can't tell you if it's the right one. Only time will tell. My personal situation is a real bummer. I make all my living from gathering people. I play music, I teach cooking and I cook at parties. So at the moment I'm ALL OUT of jobs. Sad but true. There has been some governmental financial support but not even close to covering the losses, unfortunately. But I am in the lucky situation that my wife has an income so we try our best to get by on that. We cut corners and plan a lot to make ends meet. Can't keep it up forever, though...


Anything left to add??

-Not much more than a small appeal to all of you reading this. Please do check out our videoclip for "Welcome to your nightmare". In the video a child, Patric's daughter, is having a scary nightmare.. We shot the band scenes outside at sundown to get the Swedish autumn light as a backdrop. Then we filmed the girl's nightmare scenes and the scary man separate from the band. I have to say that this video is F-ING AWSOME!!! Couldn't be more pleased with it and I know for a fact that it's one of Patric's favourites. That says a lot! All bands are having a really tough time, so please support us in any possible way. Buy our merchandise and albums, listen to us at streaming platforms, watch our videos on YouTube. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, Bandbond, Bandcamp and so on. Repost and share what we post, hit the notification button. Press subscribe. It's just a few clicks for you and it means the world to us!!!




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